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Saturday 2 February 2013

birthday's date


hehe. dah berminggu baru nak menyinggah blog kesayangan ni. ini pun pinjam laptop sahabat serumah sebilik seharian kerana laptopku masih sakit. Thanks to Ayu Sharani.

my birthday's date!
i miss that moment so much. why? because hari hari bersama encik apple hari hari senyum sedunia. hehe.
yes! he make me smile everyday.

i love you and saya bahagia that time because of this:
  • awak ambil saya dekat bus stand shah alam.
  • ada pororo dalam kereta awak.
  • awak bawa saya pergi ict.
  • awak carikan gerai tomyam yg sedap.
  • you remember my birthday.
  • and the most important things you make me proud with you dear.

even kita jauh and jarang jumpa, my trust on you never ended. i do believe you than anyone else. hopefully, wherever we are percaya, jujur and setia still be ours. hehe. i do love you!

this time. haha. mintak tlg adik mana tah tlg take our picture. grey!
thanks for this day. full of smile n love

tangkap curi curi. hehe hye mata coklat.

tangkap curi curi lagi. hehe. love!

 on the way to sungai gabai hulu langat! awal pagi.
decide untuk pakai t-shirt johor. thanks for that t-shirt. suka sangat!

 arrive! we johorian. bbq time. love

gambar yang paling disukai saya dan encik apple.

haapy sungguh mereka. 
and my dearest. i love to see your smile. keep it up!

the end of the day. best moment with khairul nazmi's friends. 

and thanks dear for this birthday present. that handbag, that pororo and that bracelet
show that you never forget me, never forget what i like. always with me my dear.

p/s : mudah mudahan penamatnya i will live with you 'mata coklat'. 

the end of birthday's date.

klik sini

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